How to make a small room look big?

Let me guess. You've tried mirrors opposite a window, magic colors to expand the walls, thrown away the curtains to let in more light....

There are countless design tips out there. Some are helpful and some are a waste of time. I am here to tell you what has been proven to work.


Curious? Read below the proven trick to make a small room look bigger.

Design meets science :  The origins of this home decor trick

The Internet is full of information on how to make a room look bigger. I've read many top posts and articles on the subject and while most give helpful advice, it's hard to know what works... Who has the time to try them all?

The ABCD formula for making a small room look bigger. 

Here it is!  The formula I put together and conveniently called ABCD. I recommend following the steps to understand the science behind it and make the most of it.

A for "Ask yourself"

Let's start with some self-reflection. OK, think about these questions before decorating a small room:

  • what are the advantages of a small room? And the disadvantages?
  • What do i gain from the illusion of more space?
  • Do i really want to make this room feel bigger?  Or is something else bothering me?

But one important point: it will dominate the resulting decorating style. This means that the steps you are about to read will complement some furnishing styles. However, the formula will be less compatible with others - sorry, maximalists

That's why it's best to use it only in rooms that really need it. Like a compact living room, a small kitchen or even a narrow hallway. And the toilet under the stairs? Best to keep that one cozy.

B for "Brightness"

Are you ready to grab the paint roller? Good, because it's time to mess around. Can you guess the ideal color to make a small room look bigger?


White reflects light into the room, reduces shadows and increases brightness. Differences in light, when one part of the room is light and another is dark, make small spaces feel like a shoebox. My contemporary living room makeover is a clear example of using white in a small room.


But you can also use color!

You can give the walls and ceiling a much lighter shade of any color. There are no limits here. For example, you can add a lot of white paint to your chosen can color. It is also good to know that walls and ceiling can be different colors, as long as they are both light.

Secret tip: Light, unsaturated paint colors are ideal for making a small room appear larger.


What about the "cool colors make the walls recede" tip you may have heard of. Will the room look bigger if you paint it cool white or light blue?

C for "Contrast"

If your mission is to enhance the sense of spaciousness in a room, high contrast is your worst enemy.

The concept of contrast can sound a bit abstract. Low contrast means that when you squeeze your eyes shut and look around the room, objects blend together. But when contrast is high, the outlines of things are still clearly visible because they stand out against the background.


There is a simple way to reduce the visual contrast in the room:

Use materials and fabrics in slightly different, but always light, colors. This applies to the entire color scheme of the room, from wall color to furniture and accessories.


In an ideal low-contrast scenario, everything in the room would be the same color. In reality, you can add other light colors to make the room more exciting.

You can even combine several of these light and colors, as long as they are similar. The purpose of this is to ensure that objects do not stand out too much against the background, while providing variety in the range of colors.

D for "Declutter"

Out with clutter!

It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate over the years. Get rid of anything that doesn't add value to your life, both from a practical and aesthetic standpoint. If you don't use or love it, donate it to charity or sell it online.

Excessive stuff creates too many focal points for your eyes, eliminating the cozy atmosphere. As a result, all attempts to make a small room look bigger fail.


Clear the space and you feel the room grow around you.


When styling the room, use a few carefully chosen accessories to make the space more interesting. Be sure to respect the guidelines for high brightness and low contrast. And - instead of playing with the color of ornaments - try to use shape, texture and finish to make the room interesting.


Ready to make your small room look more spacious?

As you can see, this formula is quite strict in terms of style. It seems best suited to all-white Scandinavian or minimalist interiors. Yet other styles also fit this formula. Think Californian, earthy Mediterranean and even shabby chic, the country style.

Now, armed with this knowledge, you can choose what you want to do. Try different things, be creative, and remember that there is no right or wrong when you experiment with design.